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Natural Stone Cleaners & Sealers

Like any other surface in your home, natural stone also needs to be cleaned to maintain its beauty. However, natural stone requires cleaning products specifically designed for stone's unique mineral composition.

Most popular general-purpose cleaners will etch or damage the stone, or degrade the sealer, therefore removing protective properties and allowing the stone to become susceptible to stains. Cleaning products containing too much acids or alkalines will etch the stone, and scouring powders and abrasives will scratch the surface.

Maintenance cleaning with a PH-balanced, neutral cleaner will help remove soils that normal dusting or damp mopping leave behind. It also helps keep your stone free of dust and dry, sandy soil to minimize wear patterns from everyday use on some softer stones. Specially designed cleaners for stone will also never break down the protective sealer. In fact, some cleaners contain protective properties which reinforce the sealer and prolong stain resistance.

The best way to prevent stains is to treat the surface with a protective sealer. The sealer fills in the pores and repels spills on the surface, allowing you time to completely wipe it all away.

Dry Treat:

Video: How to apply STONETECH BulletProof Sealer

How to remove a stain: Stains can occur in some instances, leaving a discolored mark on your counter. Follow this link (can link be highlighted word?) for helpful guidelines to remove your stain and eliminate the cost of paying a professional to make a site visit. If further attention is needed contact Creations In Stone for a consultation. We can walk you through the process and save you time and money.

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